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色谱产品 · Chromatography
USP对照表 USP control table

L1:Octadecysilane chemically bonded to porous

silica or ceramic particles,.3 to 10 micron in diameter.


Purospher STAR RP一18

Purospher RP一18

Chromolith RP一18

Lichrospher RP一18

Lichrosorb RP一18

SuperSpher RP一18

L3:Porous silica particles 5一10 um in diameter.

Chromolith Si

Purospher STAR Si

Lichrospher Si

Lichrosorb Si

L7:Octylsilane,chemically bound to porous silica,3 to

10 micron in diameter.


Chromolith RP一8

Purospher STAR RP一8

Lichrospher RP一8

Lichrosorb RP一8

L8 Aminopropyl silane groups on porous silica,

5,10 um diameter

Purospher STAR NH2

Lichrospher NH2

L10 Cyano groups bound to porous silica,3一10um diameter

Lichrospher CN

Lichrosorb CN

L20 Dihydroxypropane groups chemically bound to silica,5,10 um diameter.


Lichrospher Diol

L45 Beta cyclodextrin to porous silica particles,5,14um

in diameter


Chira Dex